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      The theme education of "Never Forget the Initial Heart and Keep Mission in mind" was officially launched.

      Source:    Browse:2552    Date:2019-09-24 14:40:15

      According to the unified deployment arrangement of the Party Group of the Weapons and Equipment Group Co., Ltd., the theme education of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission" for the whole industry of the Group Company was carried out from June to August 2019.

      According to the unified deployment arrangement of the Party Group of the Weapons and Equipment Group Co., Ltd., the theme education of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission" for the whole industry of the Group Company was carried out from June to August 2019. On June 6, the Group held a whole industry theme education mobilization and deployment meeting. After the mobilization meeting, the company immediately set up a theme education leading group headed by Liu Yuting, Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the board. After careful preparation, on June 14, under the guidance of the guidance group of the fifth area of the group company, the theme education mobilization meeting of the Chinese traditional medicine industry "never forget the first heart and remember the mission" was held, which marked the official start of the theme education of the company. Move.

      According to the unified deployment arrangement of the Party Group of the Weapons and Equipment Group Co., Ltd., the theme education of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission" for the whole industry of the Group Company was carried out from June to August 2019. On June 6, the Group held a whole industry theme education mobilization and deployment meeting. After the mobilization meeting, the company immediately set up a theme education leading group headed by Liu Yuting, Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the board. After careful preparation, on June 14, under the guidance of the guidance group of the fifth area of the group company, the theme education mobilization meeting of the Chinese traditional medicine industry "never forget the first heart and remember the mission" was held, which marked the official start of the theme education of the company. Move.

      At the mobilization meeting, Comrade Liu Yuting asked Party members and cadres at all levels to pay close attention to the Twelve-Character General requirements put forward by General Secretary Xi at the thematic education work meeting, namely "keeping the initiative, assuming the mission, finding the gap and implementing it". He earnestly grasped the theoretical study, made a thorough investigation and research at the grass-roots level, and inspected himself in accordance with Party rules and regulations and the initiative mission. To find gaps and make up for shortcomings, to carry out the word "change" throughout the theme education, so as to achieve the goal effect of "theoretical learning has harvested, ideological and political baptism, entrepreneurship has assumed responsibility, serving the people to solve difficult problems, honesty and integrity" through the theme education. At the same time, Liu Yuting emphasized that in the process of thematic education, we should not only make the renovation of formalism and bureaucracy an important part of this thematic education, but also vigorously guard against the formalism and bureaucracy existing in the development of thematic education, especially the members of the leading group of the Party committee. We must throw ourselves down and personally experience thematic education. We should not only perform our duties and organize thematic education conscientiously, but also take the lead in examining our own shortcomings, so that the mirror can look at others as well as ourselves.

      Comrade Liu Yuting finally called on all Party members and cadres above the middle level of the company to unite closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and to carry out the theme education of "never forget the first heart and remember the mission" in a solid way, so as to further emancipate the mind, boost the spirit, overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties. Make great efforts to implement the "365" plan of action for quality improvement, build the Chinese traditional medicine industry into a world-class pharmaceutical enterprise with global competitiveness, and make new and greater contributions to the realization of the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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